
发布日期:2016-06-30  来源:   浏览次数:


1985—1989 宁夏吴忠师范学校 / 小学教育专业(初中中专)

1989—1993 宁夏大学物理系 / 物理学/物理教育专业(学士)

1993—1996 中国空间技术研究院510所 / 电子科学与技术/物理电子与光电子专业(硕士)

2000—2004 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院 / 材料科学与工程/材料学专业(博士)

2006—2009 上海交通大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站 / 材料学专业(博士后)

2010/07/25—2010/08/14 美国密苏里州立大学管理培训

2013/03/13—2014/03/13 英国莱斯特大学工程系/访问学者

2015/11/14—2015/12/13 澳大利亚国立大学物理系/访问学者

2019/01/01—2019/12/31 美国德克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校化学系/访问学者

教学特长:数学物理方法、电动力学 / 电磁场与电磁波

研究兴趣:凝聚态物理学 / 复合材料学 / 计算材料学, 发表或指导学生发表相关领域学术论文90余篇.

毕业硕士: 王冬玲(2004级,山东生源),王憨鹰(2005级,陕西生源),徐婧(2006级,安徽生源),孙安(2006级,吉林生源),刘兆刚(2006级,山东生源),付鹏(2007级,河南生源),郝旭暖(2007级,河北生源),高亚红(2008级,内蒙古生源),马晓波(2008级,内蒙古生源),谷玉丹(2008级,黑龙江生源),吕琼(2009级,宁夏生源),林鑫鑫(2009级,陕西生源),杨栋(2010级,陕西生源),张楠(2010级,宁夏生源),尹云飞(2011级,辽宁生源),童洋(2012级,四川生源),张蕊(2012级,宁夏生源),王琴(2013级,宁夏生源),席丽莹(2014级,河南生源),陈治鹏(2015级,甘肃生源),徐佳楠(2016级,山东生源),马亚楠(2016级,重庆生源),李晓葳(2017级,黑龙江生源),杨泽坤(2019级,宁夏生源),侯毅(2020级,辽宁生源),吴芳芳(2020级,江苏生源),谯进玉(2021级,贵州生源),严汝阳(2022级,山东生源),王雨绮(2023级,陕西生源)


[12]Jinyu Qiao, Fangfang Wu,Huanming Chen*, Zekun Yang, Ruyang Yan, Hongcun Bai, Fengchun Pan, Xueling Lin, Investigation on electronic structures, elastic and thermodynamic properties of MNi3(M=Be, Mg, Ca) intermetallic compound,Physica B: Condensed Matter,2023, 640 (9):414042,

[11]Fangfang Wu,Huanming Chen*, Jinyu Qiao, Yi Hou, Ruyang Yan, Zekun Yang, The electronic structure and elastic properties of Ca doped Ti2Ni alloy,The European Physical Journal B, 2023, 96: 93-106, https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/s10051-023-00551-w

[10]Fangfang Wu,Huanming Chen*, Zekun Yang, Jinyu Qiao, Yi Hou, Ruyang Yan, Hongcun Bai, Investigation on the electronic structures, elastic and thermodynamic properties of TiNi, Ti2Ni and TiNi3intermetallic compound,Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34: 105273-105279, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.105273

[9]Zekun Yang,Huanming Chen*, Fangfang Wu, Yi Hou, Jinyu Qiao, Xiaobo Ma, Hongcun Bai, Bin Ma, Jiapeng Li,Investigation on photocatalytic property of SiH/GaSe and SiH/InSe heterojunctions for photocatalytic water splitting,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(73): 31295-31308, 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.07.048

[8]ZekunYang,Huanming Chen*, Yi Hou, Fangfang Wu, Jinyu Qiao, Fengchun Pan, Xueling Lin, Hongcun Bai, Effect of defective structure taking on the electronic and optical properties of InP nanowire,Physica B: Condensed Matter,2022, 640 (9):414042, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2022.414042.

[7]Xiaowei Li, Huanming Chen*, Fengchun Pan, Xueling Lin, Xiaobo Ma, Zhi Ma, Zekun Yang,Electronic structures, mechanical and optical properties of the Ti–doped NbAl3compound investigated by first–principle calculation,Physica B:Condensed Matter, (accepted)

[6]Yanan Ma, Huanming Chen*, Fengchun Pan, Zhipeng Chen, Zhi Ma, Xueling Lin, Fu Zheng, Xiaobo Ma,Investigation on electronic structures and optical properties of Fe/Co–doped cubic BaTiO3ceramics,Ceramics International, 2019, 45: 6303–6311

[5]徐佳楠,陈焕铭*,潘凤春,林雪玲,马 治,陈治鹏. 氧化锌掺钡的电子结构及其铁电性能研究.物理学报, 2018, 67(10): 107701

[4]陈治鹏,马亚楠,林雪玲,潘凤春,席丽莹,马 治,郑 富,汪燕青,陈焕铭*. Nb掺杂γ-TiAl金属间化合物的电子结构与力学性能,物理学报, 2017, 66(19): 196101

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[2]Xi Li-Ying, Chen Huan-Ming, Zheng Fu, Gao Hua, Tong Yang, Ma Zhi. Three-dimensional phase field simulations of hysteresis and butterfly loops by the finite volume method,Chinese Physics Letter, 2015, 32(9): 097701–097704

[1]马晓波,孙本双,钟景明,王东新,陈焕铭,张伟.热压烧结ITO靶材物相组成与电子结构研究.稀有金属材料与工程, 2013,42(1):126-13

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